Your Home Renovation
When embarking on any home improvement programme, you are bound to have lots of questions…..
The images below show how changing the colour or finish of something can have a huge impact on the look of a house. We can show you different options for your property to make sure you get it right.
Avoid Mistakes
Avoid expensive mistakes. You can spend thousands on having your house painted, clad, choosing the right windows, garage doors etc . Investing a small amount in order to visualise your project in 3D may save a lot of money and time in the long run.

Our Design Process
We undergo a four-stage process to make your ideas come to life…
Initial contact & plans
Ideally, we would like to see your proposed floor plans and elevations, so that we can have these to hand for the consultation phase. These can either be emailed, or we can create a personal Dropbox folder for you. If you need someone to draw up plans for you, we work very closely with Createspace Design.
Once we have had a chance to look at your plans, we take the time to fully understand what you are trying to achieve and where your main areas of concern are, so that we can focus on those. A consultation can either take place face to face, depending on location, or on the phone or Skype.
Agree costs
Following the consultation, a quote will be sent to you, along with an estimated timescale to carry out the work. Once these have all been agreed, the fun can begin!
Image Creation
This is when the magic happens. As we will have taken the time upfront to understand your requirements, we can create the right number of images for you and not incur unnecessary costs.
Contact Us
If you have a project you would like us to look at, or any questions about our offer, please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, you can give us a call to discuss your requirements further.
Call Melanie on 07860 629619